Sales channels
As of 1 January 2025
Comprehensive Service Centres
3 654 738+
«Zoomrad» app users
29 566+
«Aloqabusiness» users
37 105+
E-Pos and Pos terminals
branches all over Uzbekistan
The Bank is a member of:
- The Association of Banks of Uzbekistan
- The «Uzbek Republican Currency Exchange»
- The Republican Stock Exchange «Toshkent»
- The SWIFT International Payment System
- The VISA International Payment System
- The Fund for Guaranteeing Citizens' Deposits in Banks
- The Uzbekistan Lessors Association

Integrating cutting-edge digital technologies to create unparalleled IT solutions that provide simplicity, convenience and choice of attractive banking products, as well as transforming the bank into a market leading IT company.
The bank subsidiaries
- «ALOQA VENTURES» Venture Capital Fund


Assessments of Moody's Investors Service international rating agency:
- The outlook on all ratings – Stable
- Counterparty Risk Rating – Ba3
- Local Currency Deposits – B1/NP
- Foreign Currency Deposits – B1/NP

Assessments of the National Rating Agency «Axbor-Reyting»:
- Creditworthiness on a national scale rating – «uzA+» «Very High»
- Investment Activity - 66.54 points

Irisbekova Kammuna Narinbayevna
Chairman of the Board a.p.

Kukonboev Umidjon Abdurakhimovich
First Deputy Chairman of the Board a.p.

Nasretdinova Nasiba Irkinovna
Deputy Chairman of the Board a.p.

Makhkamov Farrukh Murodovich
Deputy Chairman of the Board a.p.

Oroqov Jurabek Toymurodovich
Deputy Chairman of the Board

Tursunov Oltiboy Umirzakovich
Head of corporate business a.p.
In 2022 year
- December: JSC «Aloqabank» and «Dibank» began their joint operations.
- October: In collaboration with AloqaVentures, IT Park, and Plug and Play, an international acceleration program was launched.
- October 24-27: The “ICT Week - 2022” took place in Samarkand.
- September: The Mirabad branch relocated from A. Navoi Street to Muminova Street in the Mirzo Ulugbek district.
- August 1: JSC «Aloqabank» transitioned to a new automated banking system, the "Colvir banking system."
- July: The AloqaVentures Foundation for Artificial Intelligence Software Development,, became one of the company's investors.
- May: JSC «Aloqabank» hosted chess and volleyball sports competitions for its employees.
- April: A "job fair" was held at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al Khorezmi.
- March: Mini-football sports competitions were organized for JSC «Aloqabank» employees.
- February: An agreement was signed between JSC «Aloqabank» and the International Islamic Trade and Finance Corporation for a trade finance line.
- February: A training seminar was conducted for the directors of the RISC.
In 2021 year
- April 12-16: During this week, JSC «Aloqabank» employees conducted financial literacy classes for students at schools in the Tashkent and Bostonliq districts of the Tashkent region.
- February 18: JSC «Aloqabank» participated in the Career Day Labor Fair at the Tashkent Financial Institute, emphasizing its commitment to engaging with youth.
- January: A training seminar was held to enhance the professional qualifications of the bank’s employees.
In 2020 year
- December: JSC «Aloqabank» launched two new integrated services centers: "Sergeli" and "Bektemir."
- November: The new Poytaxt integrated services center began operations in Tashkent.
- October: A new integrated services center, "Novza," commenced operations in Tashkent.
- August: The Buhara branch relocated to a new building.
- July: JSC «Aloqabank» signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.
- June: The "Dangara" integrated services center was inaugurated in the Fergana region.
- April: JSC «Aloqabank» introduced a free delivery service for bank cards.
- February 22: The "interbank intellectual league" games were held in Tashkent, where JSC «Aloqabank»'s team secured an honorable 3rd place.
- January: JSC «Aloqabank» began issuing Uzcard cards that operate within the Mir payment system.
In 2019 year
- November: JSC «Aloqabank» became a member of the Eurasian Regional Council of UnionPay International.
- September: At the ICT Week-2019 exhibition, JSC «Aloqabank» organized a successful campaign, raffling off valuable prizes.
- August: For the first time in Uzbekistan, JSC «Aloqabank» introduced the ability to withdraw cash (Sum) from Mir (Russia) cards via its ATMs.
- June: A new branch building of JSC «Aloqabank» was opened in the Kashkadarya region.
- May 30: The Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan hosted the grand opening of JSC «Aloqabank»'s new building at 40 A. Navoi Street in Tashkent.
- April: JSC «Aloqabank» and Commerzbank AG signed a general agreement for long-term project financing through Commerzbank AG’s credit line.
- April: Following BankExpo-2019, JSC «Aloqabank» received the award for "Best Risk Management."
- March 15-17: A seminar for the leaders of the JSC «Aloqabank» trade union was held at the Oqtosh branch in the Bostonliq district of the Tashkent region.
- February: JSC «Aloqabank» conducted training sessions on "Improving Business Processes in Customer Service and Establishing Effective Sales of Banking Services."
- January: JSC «Aloqabank» was honored with the "Opening of the Year – 2018" award by the international payment system UnionPay International.
In 2018 year
- December: JSC «Aloqabank» opened a new Central Bank branch, "Yunusabad," in Tashkent.
- August: JSC «Aloqabank» was accredited with the ISO 9001:2015 international quality management system certification.
- July: The bank introduced microloans available in both cash and non-cash forms.
- May 24-26: JSC «Aloqabank» participated in the football tournament themed "Youth is the Future of Uzbekistan," where the team proudly represented the bank.
- March: JSC «Aloqabank» established correspondent accounts with "TengriBank" and "Dos-Kredobank."
- February: Moody's Investors Service affirmed JSC «Aloqabank»'s rating as B1/B2/NP with a "stable" outlook.
- January: A new branch of JSC «Aloqabank», "Shayhantohur," commenced operations.
- January: JSC «Aloqabank» partnered with UzDigital TV LLC to offer consumer loans to low-income individuals and pensioners for the purchase of televisions, tuners, and other digital broadcasting devices.
In 2017 year
- December: A memorandum of cooperation was signed between JSC «Aloqabank» and Mirzo Ulugbek Innovatsion Center.
- November: JSC «Aloqabank», in collaboration with the Association of Beekeeping of Uzbekistan, organized a Honey Festival and an exhibition of honey products.
- November: The Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan acquired shares of JSC «Aloqabank».
- January: Following a competition to attract deposits based on 2016 results, JSC «Aloqabank» earned honorary awards in the categories "Best Savings Deposit in Foreign Currency" and "Best Savings Bank in Cities" (Cashier-Controller of the Bukhara branch).
- February: JSC «Aloqabank» established partnership relations with Alfa-Bank, one of the largest banks in Russia.
- May: The team from JSC «Aloqabank» participated actively in interbank women’s volleyball competitions and achieved an honorable 2nd place.
- May: The bank took an active role in the 10th Republican Fair "Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects."
- June: JSC «Aloqabank» hosted a celebration for "International Children's Day" once again.
- June: The bank participated in the exhibitions "Uzbekistan Agrotech Expo-2017" and "Uzbekistan Agromash Expo-2017."
- September: JSC «Aloqabank» introduced a new service - Overdraft provision.
- November: A currency conversion service for individual entrepreneurs was launched.
In 2016 year
- January: The P2P service for transferring funds from card to card was introduced.
- January: A new service for repaying loans through bank infokiosks was launched.
- February: At the end of 2015, a competition to attract deposits resulted in the Navoi branch of JSC «Aloqabank» winning the award for "Best Branch of the Year for Attracting Deposits in Rural Areas."
- February: Moody's Investors Service confirmed JSC «Aloqabank»'s rating as "Stable", B1/B2/NotPrime.
- April: JSC «Aloqabank» actively participated in the annual national exhibition of banking services, equipment, and technologies, "Bank EXPO - 2015."
- May: The bank took an active role in the VII Republican Fair of "Innovative Ideas, Technologies, and Projects."
- June: A celebration for "International Children's Day" was held at JSC «Aloqabank».
- June: The general meeting of shareholders was conducted to review the results of JSC «Aloqabank»'s 2015 activities.
- July: An employee of JSC «Aloqabank» won third place in the "Most Active Young Banker" contest at the IV Republican Forum of Young Professionals, organized by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzbekistan Banks Association, and the Federation of Unions of Uzbekistan.
- August: In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan's Independence, valuable prizes were awarded to the bank’s depositors.
- August: Employees of JSC «Aloqabank» received commemorative signs "Uzbekiston Mustakilligiga 25 yil" and certificates of honor.
- September: Women's volleyball competitions were held among the teams from the Head Office, Operational Department, and regional branches of JSC «Aloqabank».
- September: JSC «Aloqabank» actively participated in the annual national exhibition of information technologies, "ICT Expo - 2016."
- October: A new version of the program for managing household deposits was introduced.
- November: The virtual reception room of the Chairman of the Board was launched at JSC «Aloqabank».
- November: A new service for repaying loans through a mobile application was introduced.
- December: The bank implemented the "Contract 2" program.
- December: Deloitte & Touche conducted an independent evaluation of JSC «Aloqabank»'s corporate governance system.
In 2015 year
- January, A competition among banks was held in 2014 according to the results of attracting deposits from the population, JSC Aloqabank won in the nomination "The best innovative product for the population", Khorezm branch of JSC Aloqabank won in the nomination "The best branch of the year in attracting deposits of the population in cities
- January, introduction of a new mobile service Uzcard for individuals;
- January, the International rating agency Moody's Investors Service on January 16 confirmed the rating of JSC Aloqabank as Stable, E + / B1 / B2 / NotPrime;
- March, JSC Aloqabank actively participated in the annual national exhibition of banking services, equipment and technologies "Bank EXPO - 2015";
- April, 11-12 April JSC Aloqabank held a mini-football tournament in Tashkent between employees of the Head Office, Operations Department and of 13 regional branches of the bank;
- April, JSC Aloqabank took an active part in the IX-Interbank Sports Games;
- May, establishment of correspondent relations with one of the largest banks of China - Bank of China;
- May, the Bank took an active part in the VII - Republican fair of "Innovative ideas, technologies and projects";
- June, the holiday dedicated to the "International Children's Day" was held once again in JSC Aloqabank.
- June, the general meeting of shareholders of JSC Aloqabank on the results of activities of 2014 was held;
- September, September 15-17, JSC Aloqabank took an active part in the annual national exhibition of information technologies "ICT Expo - 2015".
- October, JSC Aloqabank presented to its clients a new profitable term deposit "Oltin Kuz" in national currency.
- November, JSC Aloqabank took part in the International Investment Forum, held in Tashkent;
- November, JSC Aloqabank introduced a questionnaire system;
- November, volleyball competitions took place among women's teams of the Head Office, Operational Department and regional branches of JSC Aloqabank;
- December, the Bank actively participated and won in the intellectual game "Brain - Ring" organized by the "Uzbek - German Friendship Society";
In 2014 year
- January: At the end of 2013, a competition for attracting deposits resulted in the Navoi branch of JSC «Aloqabank» winning the award for "Best Branch of the Year for Attracting Deposits in Rural Areas."
- January: Moody’s international rating agency confirmed JSC «Aloqabank»'s rating at E+/B1/B2/Not Prime, with a "Stable" outlook.
- January: A new mobile service, «Uzcard», was introduced for individuals.
- March: JSC «Aloqabank» launched a new, more functional, and useful website.
- April: The bank participated in the annual national exhibition of bank technology, equipment, and services, "Bank EXPO – 2014."
- April: JSC «Aloqabank» actively participated in the "7th Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies, and Projects," held from April 23rd to 25th in Tashkent City.
- May 3-4: Competitions in mini-football (futsal) among branches, departments, and offices of JSC «Aloqabank» were held in Samarkand City.
- May: JSC «Aloqabank» participated in the 9th annual mini-football competitions held among all banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- May: The general meeting of stockholders was held to review the bank's activities for 2013.
- June 2: The bank hosted a celebration for "International Children’s Day" once again.
- July: JSC «Aloqabank» introduced a new profitable time deposit named "Khazina" in the national currency.
- August: Correspondent relations were established with the Agricultural Bank of China.
- September 24-26: JSC «Aloqabank» actively participated in the annual national exhibition of information technologies, "ICT Expo-2014."
- October 2: JSC «Aloqabank» fully placed 900 million shares.
- November 22: Competitions in volleyball among women’s teams from the Head Office, Operational Department, and regional branches of JSC «Aloqabank» were held.
In 2013 year
- January, There was a competition for attracting deposits at the end of 2012.Central Savings Cash desk of the Jizzakh branch of OJSC "Aloqabank" took the second place in the nomination "The best saving/special cash desk in the cities."
- January, the Shaykhantakhur minibank of OJSC "Aloqabank" began functioning in Tashkent City.
- February, Moody’s international rating agency confirmed the rating of OJSC “Aloqabank” at E+/B1/B2/Not Prime, "Stable" outlook.
- March, the Bank introduced a new profitable savings deposit "Khamyon 2" in national currency.
- April, according to the results of "Bank EXPO-2013" annual national exhibition of bank technology, equipment and services, OJSC "Aloqabank" won the nomination "The best technically equipped stand", and Ferghana branch won the nomination "The best regional bank branch providing financial assistance to entrepreneurs".
- May, OJSC "Aloqabank" took an active part in "6th Republican Fair of innovation ideas, technology and projects" held on May 3rd to 5th in Tashkent City.
- May, on May 12-13 "The Independence Cup” competitions in mini-football (futsal) among the teams of branches, departments and offices of OJSC "Aloqbank" were held.
- May, on May 24th to 25th "The Independence Cup” competitions in women’s volleyball among the teams of Head Bank, Operational Deparment and branches of OJSC “Aloqabank” were held.
- June, on June 9th to 10th, 2013 the staff of OJSC "Aloqabank" took active part in the "Family sports contest" organised among communication enterprises.
- September, partnering with the Asia-Invest Bank
- September, on September 26th to 28th, the Bank took active part in Information Technologies National Exhibition “ICT Expo-2012” held in Tashkent, Navoi and Termez.
- October, the introduction of mobile services «CLICK» for individuals
- October, The introduction of mobile services «Mbank»
- October, Karakalpakstan Branch of OJSC "Aloqabank" in Nukus City moved to a new modern building.
- December, Khorezm Branch of OJSC "Aloqabank" in Urgench City moved to a new modern building.
In 2012 year
- January, There was a competition for attracting deposits at the end of 2011. JSC "Aloqabank" won in the nomination "The best bank of the year on attracting deposits of the population", and the central savings cash desk of Navoi branch of Joint Stock Commercial "Aloqabank" took second place in the nomination "The best savings / special cash desk on attracting deposits of population in rural areas "
- February, new Mirabad Branch in Tashkent and Kokand Branch in Kokand City began their activity.
- April, Moody’s international rating agency confirmed the rating of OJSC “Aloqabank” at E+/B1/B2/Not Prime, stable outlook.
- April, the Bank won nomination of “The best advertising company” in the annual national exhibition “Bank EXPO – 2012” for bank technologies, equipment and services.
- May, on May 3-5, 2012, the Bank took active part in V Republican fair “Innovative ideas, technologies and projects” organized in Tashkent.
- May, on May 12-13 of 2012, The “Independence Cup” contest in futsal was held among teams of branches, departments and sections of the Bank at “Uzbekistan” Sport Complex, Tashkent.
- June, on July 9-10 of 2012, The “Independence Cup” contest in women’s volleyball was held among teams of Head Bank, Operational Department and branches of OJSC “Aloqabank” in Samarkand.
- September, on September 26-28, 2012 the Bank took active part in Information Technologies National Exhibition “ICT Expo-2012” held in Tashkent, Navoi and Termez.
- October, Surkhandarya Branch of the Bank in Termez City moved to a new modern building.
- December, in December 2012 a new retail mini-bank of OJSC “Aloqabank” began its activity in Tashkent.
In 2011 year
- January, OJSC «Alokabank» took 1st place and diploma of 1st degree and valuable prize in nomination «the Best bank of 2011 on attraction of contributions of the population» the next competition also was awarded following the results of 2011 among commercial banks, their branches, mini banks and special/memory cash desks on attraction of contributions of the population. The central memory cash desk of Navai branch has occupied 2nd place and was awarded by the diploma of 2nd degree and valuable prize in a nomination «the Best special/memory cash desk of the year on attraction of contributions of the population in rural places»
- April, Moody's international rating agency has confirmed rating estimation of OJSC «Alokabank» as E+/B1/B2/NP; "Stable"
- April, following the results of an annual national exhibition of bank technologies, equipment and services «Bank EXPO - 2011» OJSC «Alokabank» was the winner in a nomination «Best design of the stand».
- May, on May 20-22, 2011 the command of regional branches of OJSC «Alokabank», independent management and departments became the winner of «Independence Cup» competition on the minifootball which held in sports hall of Chirchik college of Olympic reserves.
- May, Namangan branch of OJSC «Alokabank» was replaced in the new building.
- June, in honour of the name of 2011 - «Year of small business and private entrepreneurship» OJSC «Alokabank» held competition of «Best innovative project of students» among students of high schools and colleges.
- June, in arena of college of Olympic reserves of Bukhara city it has been held competition of «Independence Cup» of female volleyball among commands of the Main bank, Management of operations and regional branches of OJSC «Alokabank».
- August, in honour of the name of 2011 - «Year of small business and private entrepreneurship» OJSC «Alokabank» held competition of «Best innovative project» among subjects of small business and entrepreneurship.
- August, in honour of 20th anniversary of independence of the country in the city of Kokand has begun the activity Kokand branch of OJSC «Alokabank» in new building.
- August, in honour of 20th anniversary of independence of the country new building of Samarkand branch of OJSC «Alokabank» was brought in operation.
- October, in the city of Tashkent it has begun activity Mirabad branch of "Alokabank" Open JSC in the new building.
In 2010 year
- January, in the competition for commercial banks of the republic in attracting deposits: The savings bank №2 of Djizakh branch of the bank has won the first place in the basic nomination «The best saving bank in attracting deposits in cities». The «Mirabad» mini bank of Tashkent city operational management won the second place in the basic nomination «The best mini-bank in attracting deposits in cities». The Bukhara branch of the bank won the second place in the basic nomination «The Best branch in attracting deposits in cities». This nomination has been already given the second time to Bukhara branch of the bank. The deposit named «Barqaror» («Stable») became the winner in the additional nomination «The best time deposit in foreign currency».
- March, The specialists of the bank actively took part in III Republican exhibition of innovative ideas, technologies and the projects, hold in the capital exhibition centre «Uzexpocenter». During the event the Memorandum on cooperation between the bank and the Institute of Chemistry of plant named after S.Yu.Yunusov was signed.
- March, In according to the State program «The year of harmoniously developed generation», and also in connection with the 15 anniversary of the bank the tournament on mini-football among employees of the branches of the bank OJSC «Aloqabank» was held in the hall of sport complex of Chirchik college of Olympic reserve.
- April, The winner of the nomination «The best spent advertising company» at the annual exhibition of bank technologies, equipments and services BANKEXPO-2010
- May, The general meeting of stockholders of the bank was held. The new structure of the Board of the bank was selected and announced on the next 16-stockemission of the bank.
- July, The bank became a member of Association lease granting of Uzbekistan.
- August, In connection with the 15 anniversary of the bank in Samarkand it was organized the tournament on volleyball among women-workers of the branches of the bank. The system of the international payment «Unistream» was introduced.
- September, the winner of the nomination «The best exhibition stand» at the Annual national exhibition of information technologies «ICTExpo-2010». The service «Internet-banking» directed for individuals was introduced.
- November, in honor of 15-th anniversary of OJSC «Aloqabank» in the outgoing Cooperation exchange the exhibition was held. At the exhibition there were presented the goods produced by the clients of OJSC «Aloqabank»,as well as the services delivered by the bank to clients, including for the subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship.
- November, with assistance of the friendship society «Uzbekistan-Germany» 8 specialists of the bank were sent to Germany for increase their skills and study the experience of the world banks.
- December. The deposit certificates for the total amount of 50,0 billion souns were completely placed,the deposit certificates for legal persons with the term from 6 months to 3years for the total amount of 100,0 billion soums were introduced to use.
- December, It was finished construction the new building for Namangan branch of OJSC «Aloqabank» and the branch started its activity.
In 2009 year
- December, The interbank exhibition organized by the Association of banks, the Central bank and Trade industrial chamber was held in Djizakh.
- November, With opening the new mini-bank «Dostlik» it is extended not only the spectrum of bank services, but also the quantity of individual and legal clients.
- October, In Kokand the bazaar «Qoqondehqonbozori» was reconstructed. Also, it was opened the new mini-bank named «Havoqand» in territory of this market.
- September, OJSC «Aloqabank» took part at the exhibition of Information technologies ITCExpo-2009 passed Tashkent and Nukus cities.
- August, A new mini-bank was opened in Andijan city.
- August, On August 8, 2009 OJSC «Aloqabank» actively participated in the Bank exhibition - seminars «Contributions and credits for business»
- August, Authorized capital is formed of the amount 34 billion сум.
- May, The presentation of the new logo ОJSC «Aloqabank» for the first time was shown at the general meeting stockholders of ОJSC «Aloqabank». It is developed the brand book on formation of the corporate style of the bank.
- May, Joint- stock commercial «Aloqabank» is renamed to open joint- stock commercial «Aloqabank» on the basis of the resolution of the Board of the Central bank of the Republic Uzbekistan from April 30, 2009 №13/1.
- April, on April 17, 2009 the Agency Moody's Investors Service confirmed the international rating of open joint-stock commercial «Aloqabank» the rating of financial stability (RFUB) Е +.
- March, JSC «Aloqabank» actively took part in the National exhibition «BANKEXPO 2009» and won the nomination «the most visited stand».
- February, By the decision of the Council of the Bank from February 10, 2009 it was announced about 13 issue of release the deposit certificates for legal persons for the total amount of 50 billion soums, for the period of place from 6 months to 3 years.
- January, JSC «Aloqabank» presented the short time credit named Overdraft, as well as delivered the new banking services to such as enterprises in the sphere of communication: Communications and information agency of Uzbekistan, Center of electromagnetic compatibility, State Communication Inspection, JSK «Uzbekistan pochtasi», JSK «Matbuot tarkatuvchi» .
In 2008 year
- February, opening of "Broadcasting company" mini-bank in Tashkent. On February 16th, 2008 "Broadcasting company" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent.
- March, opening of "Chust" mini-bank in Namangan. On March 25th, 2008 "Chust" mini-bank has been opened in Namangan.
- April, opening of "Chorsu" mini-bank in Tashkent. On April 3rd, 2008 "Chorsu" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent.
- May, the First national bank exhibition. SC «Aloqabank» has accepted active participation in the First national exhibition «BANK EXPO 2008» and got 1 place on design and information of bank services.
- June, "Leader" remittances. All branches of SC "Aloqabank" are connected to "Leader" remittances system.
- July, declared 15th issue. On July 28th, 2008 SC «Aloqabank» declared 15th issue of shares for the sum 20 billion.soums.
- July, opening of "Shahrikhon" mini-bank in Andijan. On July 22nd, 2008 "Shahrikhon" mini-bank has been opened in the Andijan.
- August, Moody's Investors Service Agency gave a rating. International Rating Agency Moody's Investors Service gave ratings B1/NP/E + to SC «Aloqabank».
- August, opening of "Kuylik" mini-bank in Tashkent. August 1st, 2008 "Kuylik" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent.
- August, opening of «Jakhon bozori» mini-bank in Namangan. August, 18th, 2008 «Jakhon bozori» mini-bank has been opened in Namangan.
- September, opening of "Samoniy" mini-bank in Bukhara. On September 2nd, 2008 "Samoniy" mini-bank has been opened in Bukhara.
- September, Aloqabank opens «EKARMON» payments system. Since September 24th, 2008 Aloqabank opens «EKARMON» system of payments in 13 cash departments.
- November, New short-term credit - Overdraft. Bank offers a new credit product - overdraft for physical persons, to owners of SC «Aloqabank» plastic cards.
- November, extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. On November 28th, 2008 extraordinary general meeting of SC «Aloqabank» shareholders took place.
In 2007 year
- January, Credit policy of the bank as approved for 2007. 8-th issue of depositary certificates for legal persons for the sum of 6 billion soums was released.
- February, the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 572 from January 23rd, 2007 for financing the project of modernization and expansion of a telecommunication network of JSC "Uzbektelecom" between SC «Aloqabank» and the Chinese Development Bank was signed a mutual.
- March, putting into operation «BLIZKO»system remittances. It was put into operation system of remittances under «BLIZKO» brand in cooperation with JSCB "Communication-bank”.
- March, opening of "Shakhar" mini-bank in Bukhara. On March 25th, 2007 "Shakhar" mini-bank has been opened in Bukhara.
- March, opening of "Margilan" mini-bank in Ferghana. On March 29th, 2007 "Margilan" mini-bank has been opened in Ferghana.
- April, accommodation of Bank shares of 13th issue is completed and the Authorized capital for the sum 8 billion soums has been generated. Ceremony of signing of the Memorandum of the further cooperation between JSCB «Aloqabank» and the Chinese Development Bank on financing the project of modernization and expansion of a telecommunication network of JSC "Uzbektelecom" was lead.
- April, SC "Aloqabank" has declared the General joint-stock assembly. "Aloqabank" SC Council has declared the General joint-stock assembly on results of 2007 for April 25th, 2008, at 10:00 in a in a conference room of "DEDEMAN" hotel building at: Tashkent, A.Temur street.
- May, Bank shareholders lead annual General meeting The new structure of Bank Council is elected. New kinds of contributions, such as «Communal plus», «Sayyohat», «Sog` bo`ling» and «Tuyona» are introduced for the population.
- May, SC «Aloqabank» shares are brought in listing Republican stock exchange SC «Aloqabank» shares are brought in listing Republican stock exchange "Tashkent" under the supreme "A" category.
- June, opening of "Zarafshon" mini-bank in Navoi. On June 25th, 2007 "Zarafshon" mini-bank has been opened in Navoi.
- July, "PAYNET" system was put into operation. All savings banks of SC «Aloqabank» put into operation "PAYNET" system.
- August, extraordinary Assembly of shareholders is held on increase of the Authorized capital. Participation in the «Hot summer BLIZKO» action by system of remittances «BLIZKO».
- August, opening of "Shahar" mini-bank in Khoresm. On August 28th, 2007 "Shahar" mini-bank has been opened in Khorezm.
- August, opening of "Davlatobod" mini-bank in Namangan. On August 28th, 2007 "Davlatobod" mini-bank has been opened in Namangan.
- September, opening of "Elikkalla" mini-bank in Karakalpakstan On September 28th, 2007 "Elikkalla" mini-bank has been opened in the Karakalpak region.
- October, opening of "Shahar" mini-bank Djizzak. On October 1st, 2007 "Shahar" mini-bank has been opened in Djizzak.
- October, SC «Aloqabank» made a presentation to Associations of Banks of Italy. In October, 2007 SC «Aloqabank» made a presentation to Associations of Banks of Italy in Rome and Milan cities.
- November, Participation in «Eurasian Economic Forum - 2007». Bank have participated in «Eurasian Economic Forum - 2007», organized by the United Nations Development Program, SCO Working Council, SCO Secretary and the Chinese Bank of Development in Sian (China). Active participation at Republican conference «Condition and tendencies of development of marketing in sphere of communication and information», organized by the Uzbek agency communication and information, scientific and technical Center of marketing researches.
In 2006 year
- January, opening of "Mirobod" mini-bank in Tashkent. On January 21st, 2006 "Mirobod" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent.
- January, opening of "Yunusobod" mini-bank in Tashkent. On January 28th, 2006 "Yunusobod" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent.
- February, opening of "Kegeyli" mini-bank in Karakalpakstan. On February 7th, 2006 "Kegeyli" mini-bank has been opened in the Karakalpak region.
- March, opening of «Uzbekiston mustaqilligi» mini-bank in Kashkadarya. On March 14th, 2006 «Uzbekiston mustaqilligi» mini-bank has been opened in Kashkadarya.
- May, establishment of partner relations with Travellex Express On May 5th, 2006 the contract, carrying out remittances in US dollars has been concluded with Travellex Express.
- June, opening of "Khatirchi" mini-bank in Navoi. On June 30th, 2006 "Khatirchi" mini-bank has been opened in Navoi.
- November, opening of "Ferghana" mini-bank in Ferghana. On November 1st, 2006 "Ferghana" mini-bank has been opened in Fergana.
- December, opening of "Oltiarik" mini-bank in Ferghana. On December 1st, 2006 "Oltiarik" mini-bank has been opened in Fergana.
In 2005 year
- May, opening of «Mini-bank № 1» mini-bank in Navoi. On May 3rd, 2005 «Mini-bank № 1» mini-bank has been opened in Navoi.
- August, opening of the Djizzak branch of the bank On August 30th, 1997 the Djizzak branch of the bank has been opened in Djizzak. The amount of bank branches has reached 11.
- September, opening of "Kokand" mini-bank in Ferghana. On September 2nd, 2005 "Kokand" mini-bank has been opened in Fergana.
In 2004 year
- March, opening of "Sherobod" mini-bank in Surkhandarya. On March 1st, 2004 "Sherobod" mini-bank has been opened in Surkhandarya.
- April, opening of the Navoi branch of the bank On April 30th, 2004 the Navoi branch of the bank has been opened in Navoi.
- June, opening of "Khodjeili" mini-bank in Karakalpakstan. On June1st, 2004 "Khodjeili" mini-bank has been opened in the Karakalpak region.
- July, opening of the Fergana branch of the bank On July 23rd, 2004 the Fergana branch of the bank has been opened in Fergana.
In 2003 year
- February, establishment of correspondent relations with Commerzbank In February, 2003 correspondent relations are established with German bank Commerzbank AG in US dollars and EURO currencies. For today documentary operations are actively conducted.
- March, opening of "Marhamat" mini-bank in Andijan. On March 30th, 2003 "Marhamat" mini-bank has been opened in Andijan.
- July, opening of "Uzun" mini-bank in Surkhandarya. July 26th, 2003 "Uzun" mini-bank has been opened in Surkhandarya.
- July, opening of "Jarqurgon" mini-bank in Surkhandarya. July 26th, 2003 "Jarqurgon" mini-bank has been opened in Surkhandarya.
In 2002 year
- January, opening of the Samarkand branch of the bank On January 18th, 2002 the Samarkand branch of the bank has been opened in Samarkand.
- May, opening of "GTS" mini-bank in Samarkand. On May 10th, 2002 "GTS" mini-bank has been opened in Samarkand.
- June, opening of "Denov" mini-bank in Surkhandarya. On June 3rd, 2002 "Denov" mini-bank has been opened in Surkhandarya.
- July, opening of "Ishtixon" mini-bank in Samarkand. On July, 3rd, 2002 "Ishtixon" mini-bank has been opened in Samarkand.
- September, opening of the Kashkadarya branch of the bank On September 16th, 2002 the Kashkadarya branch of the bank has been opened in Karshi.
- September, Member of Fund of «Warranting of contributions of citizens in banks» For realization of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan from April 5th, 2002 «About guarantees of protection of contributions of citizens in banks» Fund of «Warranting of contributions of citizens in banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan» has been created. On September 19th, 2002 Aloqabank became its constant member.
- November, establishment of partner relations with WESTERN UNION On November 11th, 2002 the contract has been concluded with WESTERN UNION, carrying out remittances in US dollars worldwide during 15 minutes.
- December, opening of "Keles" mini-bank in Tashkent region. On December 17th, 2002 "Keles" mini-bank has been opened in Tashkent region.
In 2001 year
- August, opening of the Surkhandarya branch of the bank
- On August 21st, 2001 the Surkhan-Darya branch of the has been opened bank in Termez.
- June, transformation into universal bank The sharp increase of client base due to the enterprises and organizations not entering into sphere of telecommunications has served as an occasion in transformation specialized «Aloqabank» into universal bank, so that to remove from the name a word "specialized". On June 23rd, 2001 instead of the previous general license, the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan had given out another one where it has made change to the name of the bank (SJSCB «Aloqabank» has been renamed into JSCB «Aloqabank»).
- September, member of International payment system SWIFT In September, 2001 the bank was connected to international payment system SWIFT and became its member
In 2000 year
- June, opening of the Bukhara branch of the bank On June 2nd, 2000 the Bukhara branch of the bank has been opened in Bukhara
In 1998 year
- August, establishment of correspondent relations with the New York JP Morgan Chase Bank In August, 1998 Aloqabank has established correspondent relations with the New York JP Morgan Chase Bank, allowing Bank to make payments in US dollars.
- August, opening of the Andijan branch of the bank On August 26th, 1998 the Andijan branch of the bank has been opened in Andijan.
In 1997 year
- July, opening of the Khorezm branch of the bank On July 29th, 1997 the Khorezm branch of the bank has been opened in Urgench.
- Participant of the Uzbek Republican Currency Stock exchange In1997 bank has entered as the participant of the Uzbek Republican currency stock exchange. Participations at the tenders allow converting money resources of clients, and also for sale in exchange offices.
- June, establishment of correspondent relations with the Russian Communication Bank In June, 1997 correspondent relations on social payments have been established with "Communication Bank " in the Russian roubles.
- October, opening of the Namangan branch of the bank On October 30th, 1997 the Namangan branch of the bank has been opened in Namangan.
In 1996 year
- May, opening of the Karakalpak branch of the bank First branch of bank has been opened in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in Nukus by the Decision of Bank Council in 1996. On May 24th, 1996 the Central Bank of The Republic of Uzbekistan had been gave out the license for carrying out bank operations to the Karakalpak branch.
- August, reception of the general license for carrying out currency transactions On August 21st, the Central Bank of The Republic of Uzbekistan registers the general license for carrying out currency transactions in Aloqabank
In 1995 year
- 1995, March, Opening of bank On March, 22nd, 1995 the Central Bank of The Republic of Uzbekistan had been registered and gave out the general licence for carrying out of bank operations. This day is date of opening of bank. Initially the bank referred to the Specialized Joint-stock-commercial bank (SJSC) «Aloqabank».
In 1994 year
- 1994, October, the Decision of the Cabinet of The Republic of Uzbekistan On October 12th, 1994 the Cabinet of The Republic of Uzbekistan has accepted the decision № 502 «About measures on development, reconstruction and improvement of quality of telecommunication networks work of The Republic of Uzbekistan» where the decision on creation of the Republican joint-stock-commercial bank- «Aloqabank» with the authorized capital 2 million soums was accepted.
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8 August 2024 / 09:00
The international sale process of the multi-storey business center of Alokabank JSC on the territory...

7 February 2023
AT "Aloqabank" boshqaruv raisining birinchi o‘rinbosari lavozimiga - Umidjon Abdurahimovic...
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