The Bank offers enterprises and organizations to make accrual, payment of wages and other income using plastic cards. This allows you to significantly reduce the costs associated with the issuance of salaries to staff by saving money associated with the implementation of cash transactions, storage, transportation of cash.
Advantages of the salary project of JSC «Aloqabank»
- Minimization of expenses related to the organization of payment of wages: receipt and storage of cash, protection of funds-all these functions are assumed by the Bank;
- improving the security of the organization, the absence of transactions with large amounts of cash, the absence of the need for transportation, recalculation and issuance of cash;
- the disappearance of the peak load on the staff on the days of salary issuance, simplification of the work of the accounting departments and the cash register of the enterprise engaged in the process of salary issuance;
- simplification of the payment of salaries to employees of enterprises with branches in all regions of Uzbekistan. It is possible to centrally calculate wages and get rid of the need to collect funds for its issuance;
- reducing the loss of working time, receiving salaries by employees of the enterprise occurs during non-working hours;
- successful solution of social problems thanks to the credit program of JSC «Aloqabank» for employees of the enterprise.