Entering international markets will strengthen the bank's reputation as an active participant in international cooperation, contribute to protecting the financial interests of customers and promoting the bank's brand abroad, and open up access to new skills and technologies for the bank.
JSC Aloqabank is constantly working to attract and develop credit lines of international financial institutions and development banks in order to create long-term reserves for refinancing small and private businesses. To this end, JSC Aloqabank cooperates with the World Bank Group (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association), the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation and the Islamic Private Sector Development Corporations on long-term and short-term financing.
JSC Aloqabank cooperates also with the leading export credit agencies (ECA) (Euler Hermes, SACE, SERV, Sinosure, OeKD) for insurance reimbursement for long-term investments and loans from foreign commercial banks (Commerzbank AG, ODDO BHF, Eximbank of China, ICBC, Banca Popolari di Sondrio).