JSC "Aloqabank" expresses you gratitude for cooperation and informs you about the latest innovations the bank introduces.
Within the current transformation, JSC "Aloqabank" presents you the updated Internet Banking for Legal Entities (IBLE) with significantly improved and faster customer services.
Now you can find out more about the functionality and possibilities of the Internet banking by clicking link:
Go to the corporate client-bank (main):
You can find a user guide on the IBLE page.
We are eager to receive your feedback and suggestions to improve the IBLE performance and esthetics, as well as to prevent possible operating failures.
Internet-banking gives you opportunity to:
send all types of financial documents to the bank
access all account records and d
follow all stages of transaction within the account in real time
get operative messages and errors
implement the reviewing and printing of income and outcome payment documents.
Internet-banking is more complete modification of Client-Bank system. Internet-banking has a lot of additional advantages for bank clients while keeping all advantages of precursor:
- Operative - mutual settlements among client and bank are implemented in real-time mode. You can follow all stages of payment documents processing in bank on the screen of your computer. Information on payments entered to your address is renewed by entering to the bank.
- Safely - protection of transfer information from illegal access is provided by encryption with a use of international cryptography format.
- Easy-to-use - there is no need to possess some special knowledges or skill to control your own account through Internet. Don't fear to make the mistake when filling the pay-orders. The system carefully checks correctness of the filling document and points to your mistakes.
- Simple - the simplicity of the procedure of the connection to Internet-banking (necessary only presence of the bank count in our bank, agreement "About service in system Internet-banking" and electronic digital certificate).