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Update: 27 February 2023, 12:48

Enquiry phone number

At the moment, the contact center of the bank operates 24/7. You can get all the necessary information by contacting the universal phone number +998 71 230-77-77 of the contact center or through our social media pages.
We are on social media:
  1. Instagram;
  2. Telegram;
  3. Telegram bot;
  4. Facebook;
  5. Youtube;
Contact details:
Name Phone number
Operations Department ph.: +998 71 230-77-77
fax: +998 71 233-47-10
Andijan branch ph.: +998 74 227-85-35
fax: +998 74 227-85-35
Bukhara branch ph.: +998 65 223-27-44
fax: +998 65 223-23-54
Djizzak branch ph.: +998 72 226-64-04
fax: +998 72 226-64-04
Fergana branch ph.: +998 73 224-44-55
fax: +998 73 224-44-55
Karakalpak branch ph.: +998 61 222-03-18
fax: +998 61 222-03-20
Kashkadarya branch ph.: +998 75 221-00-90
Kokand branch ph.: +998 75 543-33-55
fax.:+998 75 543-33-55
Mirabad branch ph.: +998 71 255-80-08
fax:+998-71 281-51-59
Namangan branch ph.: +998 69 233-29-46
fax: +998 69 233-29-46
Navoi branch ph.: +998 436 539-99-99
fax: +998 436 532-27-09
Samarkand branch ph.: +998 66 231-10-00
fax: +998 66 231-59-00
Surkhandarya branch ph.: +998 76 224-12-94
fax: +998 76 224-26-62
Khorezm branch ph.: +998 62 228-82-01
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Combating corruption             
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Contact Center 24/7
Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Compliance phone
Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
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