About loan
№ |
Indicators |
Basic terms |
1 |
Loan amount |
Up to 60% of the value of a motor vehicle |
2 |
Loan period |
Up to 3 years (grace period on principal - up to 3 months) |
3 |
Interest rate (annual) |
26,0% per annum |
4 |
Users of services |
- Corporate customers; |
5 |
Loan purpose |
Purchase of passenger cars and commercial vehicles (up to 25.0 tons) on the primary market |
6 |
Loan security |
The purchased motor vehicles are pre-pledged as collateral |
As additional security (may be provided): |
- Third-party surety |
- Certificate of insurance |
7 |
Documents required |
Application |
Business plan |
Financial statements |
Constituent documents (Certificate, Regulations, Deed of Incorporation) |
Founders’ consent to raise a loan and to pledge collateral |
Other necessary documents |
8 |
Loan security documents |
For motor vehicle: |
- motor vehicle sales contract; |
For a third-party surety: |
For insurance: |
Other necessary documents |
9 |
Additional conditions |
Primary account, if opened with Aloqabank |
Automatic STOP-FAKTOR and ANALIZ-SKORING analyses with Colvir KFO and Colvir CBS programs. |